Need advice
Hanabi has no reason to be this hot.
Gifting a Fountain Dip!
Holiday giveaway!!! ❤️ (Read comment)
In honor of the Season of Giving, I'm doing a paint brush giveaway! More info below!
Who's the worst teacher in the series?
Why do ninjas run with their hands behind their back?
How fast can you clear a city?
Club level 50 looking new member in new season, minimum city 500+ and salvage 24k XP per season, DM me if interest
Fresh & Fit
What belongs in the room on the right? Wrong answers only
How to spend my gems?
Why is brand like ‘Smashbox’ still working with her ? Even after vacaygate, pupgate, maidgate and soo many other things she is not accountable ….
Anyone tried this brand before? Was given to me as a freebie, never tried Indian pregabs