Make the replies look like summrrinos search history
what music gets you going faster?
Rate my route
I left the tote
Could be worse
AIO: Upset at my wife because she told our 8 year old autistic kid the reality of dying.
Had a visitor in the tent this morning
One of Daroo Gang Associates speak on summrs
DarooBaby beat his recent cases... Out of Harris County Custody
Previously Getting fired
My job tryna set me up
This is gold 🤣
Sent this to my manager ✌🏾️
My neighbor killed my dog.
It happened
DSP owner had us all sign this last night after our shift.
I quit today
Loaded firearm and/or magazines in residence.
Y’all getting 200 stops this late in January?
Chat should I risk it?
Just got fired 😞
I quit yesterday.
Leave at front door