[COD] These CODS had the greatest comeback imo. (Honorable mention goes to IW)
Why do conservative candidates do better than liberal candidates when running on the culture war?
What everyday/common English word do you always seem to misspell?
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
Do Men Actually Like Fake Breasts, or Just in Photos?
What are some undebatable BS parts of college?
Favorite Redbull Flavor?
Popular middle school boys in 2025 starterpack
Little Rant Here
Will anyone be nostalgic for the 2020’s
CMV: The Republican Party is essentially just a bunch of people who think they understand complex fields and subjects better than the experts
Do you guys feel like the 2020s have the most boring pop culture?
Am I reaching here or is this a genuine theme in TWD?
You get to choose any of EU's Presidents/PMs as President of USA. Who would you choose?
CMV: There is no actual evidence of Kendrick Lamar’s insinuations about Drake in “Not Like Us” regarding minors.
Are we supposed to find out forever friends in college?
Hot take: GTAIV is NOT the best GTA of all time
The 4 songs that have defined the 2020s so far (IMO)
If HBO didn’t pass on the opportunity to make The Walking Dead
Scott M. Gimple Talks 'Walking Dead' Universe Expansion, Exploring a New Country, Daryl Dixon's Story, and More
I’m so bothered by these slow zombies.
How would you rewrite the show?
I miss the frightening tones of the early seasons
Is Zayn Malik every girls type? Like does he have the highest appeal of any man? like no girl would ever reject him meaning rejection isn’t in his dictionary