Ranking the copy abilities. The Beetle ability has ended its run in 3rd place. It all comes down to this. Vote for the last ability that you want out.
What’s a Brawler you like to play as, but also hate going up against?
Has anyone else noticed this?
My first ever horny weekends post
Cards that deserve an evo
What yall would do if supercell told you that lumi is 15 years old?
how many lions could brawlers kill? (irl)
“Everyone is here” ahh 💀🙏
What do you think about the Flower ?
Ranking the limited use copy abilities! The party has come to an end as Festival has been voted out. Vote for the one ability you think should be in 5th place!
Ranking the copy abilities! The Sand ability is coarse, rough, and irritating, but it's no longer everywhere as it has been eliminated. Vote for the one ability you think should take third place.
Is this a bug?
Bren tierlist, opinions?
Brawlers which never got banned in ranked by your experience.
Your biggest hear me out
Just gonna leave this here
Who the hell is lumi and why is there an entire subreddit of her (image unrelated)
If you had to quit playing one brawler forever what would it be?
How are y’all so down bad for a brawler who hasn’t even released yet? 😭
I'm the second one, btw
Since worker drones have flat torsos while Cyn does not, does that mean when Cyn was skinning Tessa she also cut of her umm... ...well you know... ...her uhh... ...her things?
Ranking the copy abilities! Fighter Kirby has lost the tournament. Vote for which one of the remaining abilities you feel should be eliminated next.
I don't want to go! I don't want to go, I don't wanna go....
i forgot about them...