BotKill is on Steam
encrypted_nightmares made in Gdevelop is on Steam, game where you switch between live broadcast cameras to earn more coins by showing best moments to users.
I share a little of the progress regarding the menu
Our Wishlist Page for BotKill is now live on Steam!
Adding Some Cosmic Horror to My Space Game!
After 7 months full time work today I released my horror fps game
I'm making a game called BotKill, please see a teaser video!
Trying to create an Esc menu , but it seems like theres a built in Esc key behavior which interferes with my menu
Weekly Co-Op Code Mega Thread - October 22, 2019
You've gotta be kidding me
Weekly Co-Op Code Mega Thread - July 21, 2019
PSA: Read This Before Updating Egg, Inc. to v1.10
PSA: iOS update changes upgrade prices