Could this be used in a plane?
BMW M5 Touring Orders Make Up 50% of Current M5 Production.
Andrej vaří a ani se nepochlubil. 🗣️
Poločasový volební průzkum agentury ZŘEM č. 2
It’s insane to me that Stalin and Mao are seen as “less bad” than Hitler
How motor and servos to make this old model fly?
What really changed?
Předvolební průzkum
Of course
“Our passport means we can take shelter in US embassies and consulates and be protected by US Marines”
"The world would be a better place under US law."
Should I purify this?
Family Feud - "When It Comes To Men, Short Is Okay If..."
It gets harder every day
Now this is the cutest shit
Don´t buy 3M from the USA, Tesa is from Germany
50% of Moscow’s fuel supply at risk after Ukrainian drone strike on its largest oil refinery
Best 3D printed trainer plane
PSA: DO NOT learn to fly on a 3D printed plane
All billionaires are murderers amirite
Getting back out there. How's my profile? Are my pics okay or am I uggo? Any tips?
Taking away SS is the biggest scam of our generation!