Instant death for (checks notes) doing exactly what the game tells you to do?!!!
Our local cheater became an ambassador, please help
this is fucking absurd
Jin Dahaad PSA
Anyone else notice that cover doesn’t always work for Jin Dahaad? (bug?)
Is Jin Dahaad bugged, or am I missing something?
Advice on changing colors? I bought these off eBay and they’re great, but too blue for me.
People who tank with a 1400+CP lineup: why are you putting the rest of us through that? Just use weak pokemon!
Is this an acceptable tanking team or am I going to tick people off by taking too long to beat?
Is the stormsurge not worth it in 10th edition, or not worth it period?
What is everyone's Personal Opinion on Giant Battlesuits ? Lorewise, Modelwise, General Thoughts.
Thoughts on this method for painting/shading white Tau?
Trying out black panel liner…😭 how do any of you get anything in these panel lines?! This cap brush is way too big. I’ve basically ruined my model. Is everyone just secretly an expert painter in this hobby?!
Help! New to 40K and painting. I feel like I’m losing the detail in my models. I followed a YT video but my models look way worse and idk what to do.
Which grimdark version?
Old suit, new colors wip
Tau pathfinders
Am I over reacting and being too harsh with my (16m) girlfriend (16f) when it comes to not being ready for marriage?
Finally tried my airbrush to prime some 40K models. What am I doing wrong?
First time airbrushed: any advice on what I’m doing wrong?
Color recommendations for this specific shade? I’d love to see your attempts!
Should I be hearing this air sound even when I’m not pressing down on the lever?
Is this a pile of eggs? They’re sticky and white. I found them on a tree I cut down.
I’m guessing this is some sort of egg or sap, but I found it on a tree I cut down a month ago? Kind of squishy, sticky, and light.
I'm having trouble shooting this problem,