Designed a custom stand for my HOTAS grips
The 3D Printed Punjet Flew! Actually had brilliant slow fight characteristics, nose-drop stall, easy to land / glide! This was flown in the wing-extension configuration, and I think that was a good choice!
New 3D printed Banish 30 replica - takes an Acetech Blaster
Patch now live for DCS, Update is out!!!!. Notes in comments.
Guess the wood! This Epiphone Les Paul Special II has a whitewood veneer on it - my best guesses are poplar or basswood, maybe maple. Anyone who has a clue can tell me what it is!?
I've been learning for just over a week (with a shocking amount of help from Copilot) and this is what I've achieved! It's not much and it's far from perfect, but I'm pretty proud of it :)
Super simple hop arm to fit an Omega nub into the Double Eagle DMP-9 (and anything with the same hop-up unit) - works like a charm
Any files out there for something similar to the AceTech Thor?
At what range does a BB stop hurting? At what range does it become hard to feel? Assume BB is typical 0.2g, 300-350FPS at muzzle, and is striking something soft (e.g. not head or knuckle shots). Doing some BB modelling, motivation in the box below.
rate my build
New 3D print product in the works…
New product in the works
What's your favorite 'cursed' asymmetric loadout, and on which plane?