he hates AI now!!
Sudanese Army Drone Targets RSF Militants in a Pickup Truck
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Ok we get it ur mad
6 minute video of ye calling diddy
3 cargo planes came from 3 different countries (Russia, Qatar, Iran), probably with military supply
Needs more languages tbh
Karkade : is it originally Sudanese or Egyptian? 🫢
Feeling like this about Libya lately 😭
Proposed Trump travel ban targets 21 African countries
Jokes on them, I am a shit shot.
Did You Know?
من غير تعميم طبعا
Had to see the Carti billboard in person🫶🏻
Any "backwrist" users?
A Turkish Muslim serves sharbat at his doorstep in Istanbul in 1907.
Abiy ahmeds bots need to chill
Big props to Ethiopia. Leading Africa in renewable energy 🔥
Hitler when he realizes his biggest fan is an autistic bipolar black rapper
Do you think Egypt and Sudan should be united under one banner? (please read caption)
Sudan Civil War
Tribe question
Do yall fw with this fit?
The death of a 15 year old Eritrean boy in Glasgow creates shockwaves across British Media🥺