Should we call AAA?
Vic, you got some 'splainin' to do
Some kind of little hairs in my Johnsonville sausages 🤢
Harrison Burton was the problem
Meet my new girl!
Happy to see his mama…
myAir data not available
Honey leaking from an electrical outlet due to a beehive inside the wall
Buzz needs to do a sleep study
Well back to the shipper
Failed dot physical
Personal opinion on an f250 as a daily?
Love's my rewards and regular fuel
Which is the better Screaming Eagle? Blue or black?
Non drivers using the laundry machines at truckstops
URGENT am I legally required to give this guy my car insurance
Anyone ever heard of “King Charles” vs “Cavaliers”?
Tony’s kids: “We need dad to leave us alone and let us do our job”
Update on my severe fatigue
What type of Cocker Spaniel is he?
I saw this in Georgia followed by a couple cops waiting and 3+ trucķs pulled over down the road.
They can’t actually reverse the 22nd amendment right?
Should I leave my current company to work for ABF Freight?