Need help getting back in
How do you source contemporary/vintage designer?
Signs that happiness and motivation isn't mania?
Is there anything you enjoy about being bipolar?
What auditory hallucinations have you had?
What is your story? How are you doing today through it all?
Does anyone have any positive psych ward experiences?
What are you biggest failures and success despite bipolar disorder
How do I improve my personal philosophy writing?
Goal setting feels impossible
Came into a substantial sum of money. Trying to keep it safe from mania
I’m so lost at the concept of dating since my diagnosis
Everything is going well… it’s making me anxious
I have been feeling confused and generally dumb since my diagnosis
I have no friends
Thoughts/Advice/Experience on Medium (Writing and reading platform)
My writing got published for the first time!
[Weekly Critique and Self-Promotion Thread] Post Here If You'd Like to Share Your Writing
Can intense workouts help or exacerbate hypo-manic symptoms?
Dark Showers Cure Nighttime Anxiety
Lamictal Triggered Hypo Mania
The other night I realized I was in love with my boyfriend
Reset buttons that get you both back on page … and getting past the stupid things you said.
I used to believe in waiting for marriage, now I'm waiting for love