Moved last April to a new place and got my Lego Star Wars collection back up! Enjoy!
#59 - Far Cry® New Dawn
Here is the games i have 100% and payed for, it aint much its only 22 games, but i wanna try and get into 100% more
How long does it usually take for big games to go on sale?
What game are you CURRENTLY working on 100%ing?
Ghost recon wildlands DLC fnally on sale
How do play my Steam division game?
Why can’t I open the division on steam? It says I own it?
#53 - Little Nightmares 2
Why is Ghost Recon Wildlands not on the Ubisoft sale?
Just reached 301 Perfect games!! Showing my collection here for the first time :)
[Other] Game Length-Plat Difficulty, Day 9 - What is a long game with a hard platinum? [Results of Day 8 and Rules in comments]
How do you guys complete your games? Binging one or two games at a time? Do you still finish up the game even after getting all achievements (if there is more to do)? Do you replay completed games?
Master mode thx
#51 - For The King (FTK)
#50 - Little Nightmares
Far Cry 4 Coop issue
Help wanted
Far cry 4 - Multiplayer achievement
Why do Ubisoft games don’t have achievements on steam?
Is there someone who would like to help me with master mode?
What does my 2025 list say about me?
How do i get the golden auger lump?
I will buy the game for people in the comments if it comes out, AND I MEAN IT. I know this is a Silkpost guys, I just know it. They are just messing with us.
i'll buy silksong to the first 500 comments when it comes out reqiuered: