Sa...Sayori. 😟
My spatula turned into a random emblem because of Scrap trait. Really cool
Can i use my iphone 11 to record youtube videos?
You took the Bun for a walk. What did you propose to her?
The DDLC: Exit Music Mod Has Some Of The Best Art Ever.
truly a bundle of sunshine
Sayori lost her phone
The thing we watch for many times.
Make the comments look like her search history
Anyone know what Yukio is singing on the first episode?
Fallen angel
Sayori found a Carolina Reaper pepper in her kitchen...
"imaginary friend."
Do sprints increase explosive punch power?
Maladaptive daydreaming
To many people who inspired by this anime, to try boxing, wish you best of luck. I'm going in as well.
Would you let Daniel edit your dating profile? And would you swipe right on Sean?
Emotions killed this man🤣 EldenLied
Joe’s Boxing Style
BECK Manga to Be Released in Brazil for the First Time in 2025!
Should I make a playlist of songs for each character?
"I will always there for you."