My first quilting project! Good from far, but far from good 😬
Förderung für gewerblich genutztes Lastenrad Leipzig/Sachsen/Bund
The rattiest of them all
Als Erwachsene in Leipzig Schwimmen lernen/trainieren: Na ja, viel Glück...
[SHOP] This is brilliant and gave me a great laugh. Figured it needs to be shared.
And that’s why inline picking up old doilies 👵🏽🌈
Tree on bike
First time trying a glitch fold
Grünkohl essen
WTS Sherpa Half ZIP Hoodie, Medium, black, 90€, GER
Is it a fair price or am I getting ripped off ?
Alchemist Incline Ice Dye
Ca Go CS200 review
Sterilisation - Gibt es in Leipzig Frauenärzt:innen, die sie durchführen?
I like dying patches (big and small) to try new techniques and ❤️🩷💜🩵
Use OWB on failed tie dye projects for a second chance?
Where to repaint my bike
I’ve asked this before but i moved to plagwitz so any mma gyms near plagwitz anyone?
Rennrad-Buddy(s) gesucht
Tried a double split mandala with limited success
Does ice-dyeing use a lot more dye than bottle dyeing?
I love a man who treats me like garbage 💕
Should I keep washing the shirts until no color comes out?
Das war der Verschenkeschrank in Schleussig. :( weiß hier jemand wer den aufgebaut hat und wie man am besten beim Neuaufbau helfen kann?