We can cut into the concrete here they said. It will be fine they said.
I ran across this firepit at Camp Coeur d'Alene in Idaho.
TIL: Tesla requires buyers to purchase cars online to circumvent state laws that require car sales to be done through franchise dealerships. "Tesla Stores" exist only to educate potential customers and to deliver vehicles purchased online.
I am calling them “fence dots”. For making signs or art on chain link fencing.
After 24 years it is past time to re-evaluate our post-9-11 TSA screening rules and demand evidence that they are working.
The Perfect Mate or $1M
Is she serious?!
You are offered 100 million US dollars if you will switch your political allegiance to the opposing party.
How many people actually use this block?
Can someone help me with pricing this?
New here, a few questions.
Sincere question, what is the ideal world in relation to employment?
Gamers, what game did you learn WASD from?
Please say I'm not the only one who does this!
How do I make a level 20 Wizard untouchable?
My employer doesn't respect two-week notices
my friend thinks a group of 10 men could kill a silverback gorilla with their bare hands, if they went for the gorilla's eyes and testicles, is it realistically possible?
Global spam questions
Char on trade store
Every job pays $250,000 a year for full time employment. What job do you take?
I walked out of an interview after one question. Was I wrong?
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Whats a message you would send to your younger self?