Question about the army
Could this be black magic or a djin or am i overreacting
Do subscription based travel passes exist?
How to unenroll KuLeuven? Hoe moet ik me uitschrijven uit KuLeuven?
Extremely slow loading times
I'm looking for GameDev Buddies
Do AI image generators save the input image?
Would you date a chubby or fat girl?
Welcome To Crescent Falls =/
What movie was far better than it had any right to be?
What the heck?! How did this guy beat cell max?
Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 08, 2023
Samsung s20 battery suddenly drained extremely fast
They are so delusional
What are the best internet providers?
DNS server is not respond
im soo tired of every single YouTuber I like getting exsposed
"React if you are anti-pedophilia. I'll see who skips."
F**k you God
What is with the downvotes on this site?
The streaming video world is getting rediculous
Teenager sets up 12 year old sister to be raped & murdered
I'm curious guys
What is and How to Default
Are jordan 1 lows accepted in the community?