I have 29 of the 32 side quests and cannot find the ones I'm missing...
Can anyone recommend a way to bypass AI detectors?
I'm thinking of piercing one of them
In your Headcanon where should Luke build his Jedi academy, Tython, Ossus, Coruscant or Dantooine...?
Is the double jeopardy law moral? Seems arbitrary to me
Who were the EU counterparts to the Inquisitors?
If i unlock specializations in the awakening dlc can i use them in origins for new characters afterwards?
Not many people know this, but when someone says they studied xenobiology at the academy, it means they sucked a lot of alien schlong in college
Proposed Fix to the many deaths of Shaak-Ti.
[BttF2] Wouldn't Biff be investigated at some point if he kept winning all of his bets?
Any recommendations for fan fictions that conclude incomplete storylines never finished by Lucasfilm? Such as force unleashed, Kotor, or Republic Commando? Or more?
Is there a form of lightsaber combat I'm that focuses on using the force to move the saber (or even multiple) through the air?
I have committed myself to reading the post ROTJ EU.
CMV: If the left hadn't abandoned nuclear power , we'd be in a much better place today (climate wise)
Mandolorian War if No Jedi Intervened
A fic where They’re adults and Hermione is minister for magic Harry is head auror and they’re married? With kids?
Would Sydney Sweeney be a good Power Girl?
I always wondered about this....
Question about mara jade’s wardrobe
[Rove R2-4K Pro] Small man doesn't like getting passed
Did the Rebel Alliance establish their bases on Orion IV, Brigia, and Chrellis before or after the creation of the Dantooine base?
CMV: democrats need to pivot their message significantly right now
Why the movie is actually the same message as the book on accident and doesn't actually portray fascism.