A creep knew im 13 and said i was "short but stacked"🤮🤮🤮
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
What are some of the worst phobias you’ve heard of?
Found in West Texas under pine tree
Found a cute lil guy you might enjoy
I'm learning blender, and wanted to improve my skills. How do i make this image more photorealistic?
One of my cousins lists she sent my sister of name ideas.
what is wrong with this fish?
What is this guy?
Can I have a California Red Sided solo? Is 48"x18"x18" enough space for 3 if not?
Found this for in my dorm
Aitha for cussing in church because a 59 year old touched my butt?
can you tell me what kind of snail It's these ?
What is this?
A buddy of mine thought it was weird that I write like this for hours. Is it weird?
What shrimp shall I get and why?
Name suggestions. I want him to have a cool name
If I stop feeding my tangs will they ever touch this stuff? Having a hard battle with hair algae the past few months.
Swimming pool turned into aquarium. Would you do this if you could?
How dressed are you when sleeping?
I'm pregnant and almost everyone wants me to keep the baby.
I tried Father Fish Method and the results...
AITA for not wanting to serve alcohol to a pregnant woman
“My FiSh KeEp DyInG” I’m on over stocked 2.5 gallon