Venom has the lowest win rate of all vanguards in every bracket. How would you buff him?
I had the strangest Plat Peni game - (clip from enemy BP pov)
Penni Parker Mains - Do you like Venom team-ups?
Why does rocket racoon get so much hate?
Looking for new indie titles to play on my Steam Deck
New to game! Question on controllers and the jump button
Cool last of us themed gift ideas?
Looking for a new card game to play
What are some cool MGS gift ideas?
Preparing for my concert on the 16th at Terminal 5, just had questions about the venue.
Looking to play any high quality Indie game on my Steam Deck, that flew under the radar these past two months.
Man, I wish they had at least one grappler in the beta
Bethesda weren't sure if they wanted Dishonored 3, and so we got Deathloop instead
Looking for more first person rpgs to play.
What does this guy watch or play exactly?
Fun, modern occultic stories? A little bit lighter in tone.
Best Soulslike game?
Games for someone looking to try out the turn based strategy genre more?
God I hope so
Vandelay's Head of Security Ladies and Gentlemen
Funny Wacky Hideout Conversation with Peppermint after leaving the Mimosa fight
I got my Steam Deck as a Bday gift! Could use a list of accessories + programs I should set it up with.
I could use some retro game reccs!
A book for my immigrant mother who reads at a ~5th grade reading level?
ArcheAge 2: First Teaser