Are there any werewolf mind control abilities.
Why is this game called balatro?
Imbued are Poweful
Something I noticed…
Werewolves ain't shit
Are the vtm abyss and the dtf abyss the same place?
Why do you pirate aside from the money factor?
Holy moly…
Malkavian ghouls
Do mages experience delirium?
Are or aren't Garou capable of reliably killing methuselahs?
Which edition books should I get?
Do werewolf fur Colors coincide with tribe or hair color?
What do Carna and Meerlinda think of each other?
I wanted to buy t&t, but why newest opinions are so bad?
Do you think any real life human or group of humans could accept Werewolves?
How to make your own By Night?
Are all princes jerks or is that just a generalization?
Why are vampires tainted by the Wyrm? Isnt it a little contradicting when they were cursed by god?
Quick question regarding Diablerie
How does Werewolf: The Apocalypse feel?
This is something about vampire mythology That's always bothered me. An arrow is basically just a wooden steak with a metal tip and some feathers. So can you stake a vampire with a bow And arrow? A spear? Does wood just need to get into the heart?
How strong a Gangrel should be in order to fight a Garaou in equal footing?
[WtA] In Game Reason for Not Trying to Mass-Exterminate Humanity
are there any ways of downloading the Paradox launcher that work?