It’s so hilarious to me how none of them looked dressed like they’re going to the same place.😂
Lip Season 9
If Regina was so popular, then why wasn’t she a cheerleader?
What is a song that instantly pisses you off?
Does anyone dislike Sookie?
You get to put one F-bomb in the show. Who gets it and when?
Felt something at 9/11 memorial when I went
What are you 100% sure of but have no proof?
Who do you think was Frank’s favorite out of his kids?
My partner wouldn’t eat my sausages because they were “burnt”
I think a coworker/friend made up a story, couldn't work, and I got called in.
People are to harsh about later seasons.
If I change my availability would I be wrong to say I’m not working holidays?
Who was the best partner for Lip?
Why did republicans freak the duck out about “crooked Joe and Hillary” meanwhile the current office is acting so illegal in so many ways and nobody seems to bat an eye? Is it propaganda or ignorance?
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Why do all the servers hate me?
What’s a euphoria opinion you’re defending like this ?
My bf permanently brain damaged someone and didn’t go to jail
New York police find body of missing man they say was tortured for more than a month by 5 people
Why all the hate for people who have lost weight with the help of Ozempic?
Went to Wendy’s for the first time in 10 years :/
What made you gained a significant amount of weight?
What age did you get your driving license?
What's something you would never buy, even if you have 1 billion dollars?