Lf full carry for sticker trades!!
LF Full carry service, desperate and gold locked!!
Lf partner to finish event
Trading for a full carry, gold locked!!
Desperate for a full carry, trading these stickers
Trading stickers for a fully carry, please i’m desperate and gold locked
Need one partner to finish there half now have 5442 to spend
Looking for a full carry, what i have to offer
Full carry needed!
Lf fully carry, here’s what I have to offer!!
LF full carry. Have 5 stars and 4s
LF full carry. Have these stickers to “trade” for it
Lf these stickers!! have the gold blitz sticker
Looking for 2 4s or a 5 for the gold blitz!!
send offers, looking to complete or almost complete sets!!
Make me an offer!!! I would also accept a full carry in exchange for the gold
Have vs need!! Multiple sets that I need one card to complete.
2 Gallery Sprees Available for Trade! ✨
Trades ❤️❤️🙏
1:1 for 3 stars
Lets trade
Lf full carry!!
LF full carry for my last partner!!
LF sea at satta(set 6), paint it fresco (set 7)