Is misandry just as evil as misogyny and is it more or less common?
i’ve officially lost any remaining hope for the democrats
Yo yall should unban this guy
Is misandry ever justified?
I laid on a girl’s lap today
Who is your main and who is your least favourite matchup?
why is it wrong to be prideful of being white/male/straight/christian?
yeah misandry is def being normalized…
Are we ever gonna get our first flying tank?
why is misandry lwk being normalized
Since I kinda got hated for my last post, let's clarify the situation
Since no one asked here are the rest of the rejected PFP ideas I had
get political with me
Christian male and republican, ama
Can a woman grape a man and is it ever justified?
When people wanna call me out but I end being right…
hi guys i’m bored and i wanna make friends
Well the past few days have been going well in Comp...
We need more defensive ults
for all the boys out there
im actually so ashamed to be a guy
Idk if this is bad but
Pan republican, ama
is it possible to be pro life without the hate that comes with it?
This is so true.