Do you think sole Best Picture wins are warranted?
Films from Around the World (Brazil)
O que acharam do final do discurso do Walter Salles no Oscar?
Best picture nominees of the decade so far ranked by number of fans in Letterboxd
É muito triste como a sociedade naturalizou a morte dos filmes legendados nos cinemas
Which of the 16 nominations do you think Diane Warren should have won for?
I feel like I'm too generous with my ratings, recommend some BAD films for me
Has their been a foreign star who's broken into Hollywood who's filmography didn't get worse after doing so?
Assassinos da Lua das Flores. Vale apena Assistir? Vi que a Crítica elogiou
Which is your favorite from this list of recent best picture winners?
If you had to play it super safe and had to guess who almost feels like a lock for a nomination next year, what would be your picks?
Da onde as pessoas tiraram que "Anora" é um filme porn0?
How would you rank these british actors by the likelihood of them getting an oscar in the future?
Portrait of a Lady on Fire should have been nominated for at least Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography and Best International Feature.
Favorite Non-Acting or Best Picture wins
Can we stop to appreciate the back-to-back Nolan/Baker director wins
When is the last time that your favorite movie of the year won Best Picture?
Genuinely curious: will this shot be remembered as the shot of the decade?
Post your #2, #3 and #4 films of 2024 and I/whoever else wants to will try and guess your #1
É 2025 e nós "Ainda Estamos Aqui", sendo um povo mimado e preconceituoso
Best Actress Winners of 2020s so far
It's 2025 and "We're Still Here", being mysoginistic and spoiled
In honour of Women's History Month, What are your 4 favourite Films by female directors?
In your opinion which are DT's best melodies ?
What was the first oscar season you actually cared about?