Game Crash on opening with not crash log
D800E Auto focus calibration
voron v0 display flashing
Stepper Motor Currnet
Serial request v0.1
Front corners of bed low
Walls on layers with infill print are very slow compared to walls on top/bottom layers
Voron V0.1 A,B motors not working
btt skr 2 2 not working
Under Extrusion of Ender 3 V2 after conversion to direct drive and metal dual geared extruder.
Partly under extruding
Gamers of Reddit, what is that one game you actually regret buying and why that game?
People of reddit, What really specific thing annoys the hell out of you?
What are your thoughts about parents spanking their children?
What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
People who were generally well behaved, what was your best rebellious teenager moment?
What's your worst moment in primary school that is scarred in your brain for life?
[Serious] What is the #1 thing that pisses of Redditors the most?
What were you doing on June 7th, 2001?
What is something that you hate, that everyone else seems to love?
You must have sex with the last video game character you played as. How well, or how badly, will this go for you?
Potato chip lovers of Reddit, what is your favorite chip?
How do we get perfectly accurate measurements for things if all experiments have inaccuracies?
Can y’all settle a bet about exothermic reactions between me and my GF?
What rule from work/school made you think "what happened here to have this rule made"?