Larry asks: your mood these days?
[WTS] 3D printed cheek riser for B5 Bravo stock
Ape historian has dry powder again, load the cannons!
That’s our GameStop Board Member Larry Cheng: “Cash combined with courage in a crisis is priceless.” -Warren Buffet 🔥
End of day update for Lady Gobble: she started putting on her lipstick by the end of the day. She says we might be really close. She will see how she feels tomorrow.
Trump and Dump
GME Meme Saga Board
Warning ! At your risk: Decoding and hype date
Larry Cheng- only GME and GROV
Here Kitty Kitty
XRT back on Reg Sho
Send this POS to jail!!!!!
New study reveals Neanderthals experienced population crash 110,000 years ago. Examination of semicircular canals of ear shows Neanderthals experienced ‘bottleneck’ event where physical and genetic variation was lost.
Oligarchy in America
What's going on??
Uh huh…
✅ Daily Share Buyback #214. “They don’t want you to win!”
I made a swap sniffer to sniff out GME swaps and bottoms. Did you know that GME was going to gap up on Feb 10th? The swap sniffer alerted to it on the Friday Prior (Feb 7). It also sniffed out the majority of the spikes in 2024 within 1-3 days before they happened. Link in comments.
RC on X
Many such cases.
🚨NEW HI SCORE🚨 FINRA Reported Margin Debt Reaches All-Time High at $937B
GME to the moon and beyond
New 13F disclosure: Vanguard added 2M shares of GME to their portfolio last quarter. You can track institutional trading of GME here:
Bullish on Patience
Institutions have been ultra bullish during Q4 2024. Blackrock picked up 2.5mil shares.