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The cake we ordered for my daughter’s 14th birthday party…
1 year old, needs a trim?
My Overseas Relatives say $9M is nothing special in America, is that even real?
When two yellow light runners meet
What’s the biggest sexual risk you ever took?
If your Fiance uses your new knipex wire strippers to cut steel wire for flower arrangements for your you call the whole thing off?
A video of a delivery guy getting into a fight with 2 security guards it shows how poorly trained many security guards.
How do you personally cope with the realization that innocent people are dying in war while the world just watches and debates?
Is being an American really as good as people say it is?
Where do you put your dash cam
WHY do people do this?
A cop smokes seized evidence, turns out to be fentanyl and overdoses, partner cop has to hit him with narcan
Any ideas why it's pulsing?
Driver almost runs over pedestrian and dog, blames pedestrian
Brain dead twat with her head up her ass while on her cellphone and her dog is walking in front of me.
Drivers like this deserve to be banned for life!
Are you proud to be an American?
Are old people the new target group?
Wtf did I find in my pool???
19F Make me cry
Thrilled to join the club. Carbon turbo, the two-toned terracotta & black seats had me sold before I even drove it 🤣
Is coffee with honey or apple with peanut butter weirder?
Why do Americans care so much about culture appropriation on the behalf of other people?
Do you rhink that god exists?