Should I be concerned about hell or more focus on relationships with Christ of both
Faith is wavering
For all you carp fanatics out there
My cousin started fishing a month ago. This is his first day fishing from a boat.
Let’s see your most beautiful fish catch!
They're just not denying it anymore?
Space Marine 2 Graphics and Style Are Perfect
Games that use multi monitor
Shadow of War had the most unique fast travel mechanics in gaming
Usually I know what I'm catching but what kind of catfish is this?
Saw this common box turtle 7 years ago, hope he’s still doing well!
Can I wacky rig these guys or Carolina only?
My first time catching 2 species with one rig. I thought I was fighting a freaking monster!!!
New custom rod
Sweet rainbow from Trial Lake in the Uintas
What one thing about your past would you go back and alter if you could?
Religious Requirements?
there can be no good without evil
What's something you're willing to compromise to achieve you dream?
You get unlimited supply of the last food you ate forever, what is it?
Why theist get offended and tensed when someone tells that God doesn't exist and tries so hard to prove the existence of God?
Where should I start
What are your top 3 worst smells?
How to reread the bible?