Please don’t poke sleeping monsters!!
Every single new release. Also, empty template for y'all.
how the fk people play gunlance before wild?
I Now understand why capcom made this game easy
“Complaining ab no content with 100 hours in a week is-“ literally stfu
half of the weapons in this game just feel worse. why??
Feeling lost and disappointed
I think that the complaining about this game is insane and getting out of hand
Portable Team makes better games and I'm tired of people acting like they don't.
Are we even playing the same game?
Is this chart among GenZ true too?And what about other countrys and their perception?
Change of Status of Residence + Extension of Period of Stay
How would American Gen Z'ers react if the U.S. got involved in some war and the draft was authorized
Getting out of teaching success stories?
Just found out everyone gets $3500 Christmas bonuses except the blue collars like me.
Male official from the Prime Minister’s Office of Japan has been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting two female middle school students, aged 12 and 13, in Yokohama, after giving them cash
Ah yes, the tourist rickshaws, that's how the locals commute to work (shitty ad I got on instagram)
Pushy boss insists I drink at year-end party, but I’m on a low calorie diet. Recommendations?
93-year-old perpetrator in 2019 fatal Ikebukuro car crash dies in prison
Please stop cold emailing schools asking for a job if you didn't research the school
That's it. After nearly two decades here, I've finally hit my limit.
BG3. Great game. Don't miss the 5e system one bit though...
Is it a good idea to state that you applied before and failed?
Is being an ALT after age 30 really that pathetic?
How much worse is Kokumin Hoken than Shakai Hoken?