Dream cast for season 4
80s lavender
like White Oleander (Movie and Book)
Who is hotter Rick or Shane?
Michigan is finally thawing out!☀️
What David Fincher movie have you seen the most times?
I’ve watched the walking dead all the way through more than 30 times
What’s your favorite most long awaited kiss
Celebs with the most beautiful eyes in my opinion
A Disappointment Thread At the End of the Show
This show ruined pumping gas for me
More Flanagan???
Would Walt have done it anyway?
Been collecting for a little under a year
Unexpected serial killer movies
Replacement for The Others?
I like to pause films at their halfway point for a picture. Can you guess the title?
One has to go .. which one and why
Is Breaking Bad Worth Watching?
serial killer
What's the worst or dumbest movie that's made you cry?
I know there’s hate for Halloween ends but tell me what you liked in this movie
These will be my first four full SK books - what’s your favourite of the four, and which shall I start with?
Favorite line from your favorite ghostface killers?
Can you handle that….blondie?