What Films that spawned Sequels do you prefer as a Standalone Slasher ?
You wanna hear something weird?
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (How the HELL did this flop?)
Do you prefer the opening scene of Drive (2011) or Baby Driver (2017)
He looks like a cop
Texas Showdown: Wes Anderson or Richard Linklater?
You can only keep one
What is your favorite ’desert’ film?
35 years ago Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) arrived on the silver screen, any fans? Poster by me.
Movie recommendations with little or no spoken lines?
You got a post for me?
How would you rank these four David Fincher films?
What’s the best slasher from 1983 to y’all?
Hey r/seinfeld
Me when my last few posts got hundreds of upvotes =
Say something nice about this movie.
Has any champion in history avoided a top contender as Jones has done with Aspinall?
Scream Ranking
Now! Now, r/seinfeld! Turn on the faucet! r/seinfeld turn on the faucet! Hoochie mama! Hoochie mama! Hoochie mamamaaaaa!
“Oh, yeah. Well, big smoker”
Don’t we all love us some Tetas?
Immediately thought of Kramer and JC when I saw this story
Hiiii! Look what came in the mail for me today!
Christoph Waltz played both an ultra-fascist and an anti-fascist… and won an Oscar for each. That’s insane.