Games that capture that sense of the unknown
Are there any YOLO-NAS weights under an MIT license
Detect yellow objekt by color
Download request
Pre-painted modern armoured fighting vehicles? UK
Question about Processing stack of Radar Images
Scaling Megapixel resolution for miniature model?
Fingerprint Feature Extration
Have I skipped content?
How do other small businesses handle parental leave?
Handling parental leave?
Stitches after ~20 miles?
Text generation from components for label creation?
Third shoe to complement Saucony Triumph/Speed?
Non-GPL real time object detection models?
Why is the new camera night vision terrible compared to OG doorbell?
'Firewatch' VR Mod Is Now Complete
"Classic" Works Often Don't Fit Popular Perceptions: An Epiphany
[ObjDet] Are anchor sizes related to the original image size or the resized image?
Feature requests?
My first attempt with motion! Future Space City (VG+C)
I modified the VQGAN + CLIP notebook to take multiple sequential prompts. This is NYC in the winter || NYC in the summer || NYC under attack by aliens || NYC in ruins.
The Seasons
A lush green hill, transitioning through a few styles.
Printing generated images?