my beautiful babies 🐾
I just picked this little guy up and need help to name him; he’s affectionate and shy (no food names such as Oreo or cookie please )
How do I let go? Rehoming foster kittens
chorizo y huevo con tortillas caseras 🌮🔥 chorizo and egg with homemade tortillas
Do you think it’s safe to be out tonight before storm or should I stay in?
How much does yours like Churu?
Necesito ayuda para identificar este delicioso postre / need help identifying this delicious dessert
Nosotros ordenamos quesabirria, tacos de tripa, una chimichanga, y papas fritas con carne asada 🤗
America is Back?
Sopita de Fideo con Carne Molida
What girl's name has the most "Trashy Trailer Park" energy?
This shook me
How do I respond to this?
BLT on homemade sourdough
🖤Two are better than one🧡
New Ragdoll Mom Tips
ID help please
Order Received
Seen this morning
I just want more people to know about this breakfast pizza from Walmart.
Tried Pickle pizza at the Florida strawberry festival : 10/10 would recommend
Tried this pickle pizza at the Florida strawberry festival and it was 10/10
Luigi Mangione letter to a nursing student
Popular YouTuber who doesn't deserve their fame?