Hardware repairs
ASA Not Steam Deck Supportee
Very slow download speeds on the Steam Deck even on 5GHz WiFi. Is this normal?
How much real money have you spend and do you regret it?
My little slice of heaven
Worst nc1 ever didn't do his job
Am I the issue here?
Enlisting tomorrow switching from Army to Navy Reserve. Questions
Op-ed: Hold Fast: A recently retired senior Officer’s take on the recent turmoil in our armed forces.
Forget favourites, which gun or guns do you HATE with a burning passion?
Liberty and Justice
Cx9 vs Em2?
Is it possible to earn revive rune f2p
Skins pay to lose, comment yours 👀
What is the first video game you remember playing
Should my wife and I Sue our neighbors after their dog bit our 7 y/o?
Pain & Sorrow
Name something more rage inducing
People that make 80k+ at 25-35 years old, what do you do?
Men, what goes through your mind when you catch a woman looking at your crotch?
Safety Consultant Business
Native American friend taken by ICE
Farthest Commute and was it sustainable
Beard advice
Do Sailors, in uniform, salute the flag for revelry and retreat to the colors?