Femcel takes pride in driving 4 men to suicide and thinks men should be sent to the gulag:
I think it's gone!
'Terrifying' female teacher who plied girl, 12, with alcohol before sexual abuse learns her fate - as brave victim unleashes on her attacker in court
High school Spanish teacher, 33, accused of having sex with 17-year-old student: police
Do you guys ever think about how insane Michael Jackson was?
Glam teacher, 35 'sexually assaulted boy she met working at high school' say police
350 calorie lunch (Pasta!)
Minnesota State Senator Justin Eichorn, co-author of bill classifying “Trump Derangement Syndrome” as a mental illness, arrested for felony charges of soliciting a minor to practice prostitution
Are high school teachers doing ok
Why do they have to be like this?
Men who sexually abused boys and uploaded it to PornHub.
(Utah) Teacher flees country after being charged w. 30 child sex abuse felonies against 2 students in Eagle Mountain
jenny popach
but why DO pro-black people always have white partners?
Michigan baptist pastor, Harold Cole, has been sentenced to only 1 year in jail for sexually assaulting a child under the age of 13.
Special ed. teacher Christina Formella charged molesting student, 15
LOEWE by Jonathan Anderson
What pop stars, eras, and songs do popheads make way bigger than they actually are to the GP.
Ex-Destiny Church member Kiwa Hamiora-Te Hira jailed for abusing youth group boys
Stephen Ireland, founder of an LGBTQ+ pride organization, was found guilty of assaulting a 12-year-old boy
Other Snark: Friday, March 3 through Friday, March 16
Fort Worth ISD employee arrested for improper relationship with 15-year-old student in Hill County, officials say
What’s a physical feature that most of society would considered “unattractive”, but is actually quite beautiful in your eyes? For some it’s aquiline noses, but for me, it’s women with frizzy, unkempt cavewoman hair ❤️
When I’m 55 and my 20 year old wife is begging me not to groom her.