How does bedtime go with your 3 year old?
Favorite company to book Disney vacation rentals from?
Proform or Nordictrack Erg
Do you just feel dumber as a parent?
My brain has become mush. Please tell me you feel the same. “If I only had a brain.”
If I Only Had A Brain
At a loss.. 3.5 year old regression
Best walking trails? Along with food off the strip.
3 year old is being a bat - what should we be to match?
What's the most emotional thing you've ever watched in a cartoon before?
I think a traumatized a dad yesterday
Highsex drive after birth.
PSFT + Bacon
It’s 6:30AM. My toddlers been up since 4:30AM. I’m going to lose it.
Do I have it over-seasoned?
How do you handle your toddler REALLY acting out
Tips for getting toddler ready for school in the morning?
Which still living person has had the farthest fall from grace?
What is your (stupid or not) fear?
GD ruined my relationship with food postpartum
TW Postpartum: Gestational diabetes really f’d up my disordered eating.
What has helped you kick a sweet tooth?
Why the F is my blackstone rusting after only a month of use?
How do I get the black off? Always clean after eating, should we clean before?
AITA: Are there some toddler friends you just kinda don’t like?