Measurement (by s__uz9iO)
Why is Belle so down bad this patch?! 😭
Runaway Princess and Her Knight - Vertin & Sonetto (by @moyu1756)
Herta realizes she's chronically online
Seele and (Two) Bronya(s) [by @sunny_day_9797]
Puppy? or Switch?
Astra and Evelyn's self defense training (by @ryuichikung)
Belle and Corin sharing mochi (by @joblesscat)
The first thing she sees when waking up [Sonetto and Vertin] by (雪顶黑咖啡)
Why is Lord Phaeton such a gremlin?!
Burnice giving Pulchra the love she deserves
Two Sonettos, One Vertin (by @wudixiaoceng1)
Warm & Soft (@Tora_112233)
Lighter got the Yuri and Yaoi teams under his belt (@_Mensang)
tennant fails to charm willow
Another Blonde try her luck with Willow huh🙄
Sleepy shark needs a place to nap! (by @__sierit)
Stars of Lyra content before they go away
Bombastic Side Eye Pulchra (Bepys)
I’ve been playing since 1.9, and Joe remains the absolute best pull i’ve ever made. He is the backbone of the… well, whatever playstyle you can think of honestly
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I love the character designs of this manga
Arcana on top of Druvis (by @ARcard9_9)
Latina Kick! (Centurion)
The best part about sunglasses? No one can see what you're looking at! (by @omegiricecake)