I got a holographic sticker of my beloved!! 💙
Are there traits you love about your f/o that other people dislike or find too weird?
I need to kiss this man so bad-
Turning a cold hearted warrior into a softie for animals
Goooood day everyone!
What types of merch do you have of your F/O?
Who would you guys say are the most prominent people in the sub? (post the most/comment the most)
2 Days ago, One of us achieved their dream
Just gonna leave this here…
My F/O is perfect for me
Miss my F/O tonight
Post your F/O's as chibis!
Wives - do you send your husband nudes?
Tell Me Who Your S/O(s) Are..And I’ll Give You a Movie or Show!💛
Post your F/O with other characters!
Does anyone feel some type of way about having crushes while being committed to F/Os?
An idea I'm mulling over: A story involving the users of this subreddit and their SOs.
Is it possible to have a proper wedding ceremony?
How do y'all put up with all the shit we get from the internet?
Happy anniversary to my beautiful fiancée
You guys are awesome!☺️👍💕
Post a gif of your F/O!!