No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy.
What do you answer when people ask "what do you read?" ???
The Master and Margarita is amazing ...
Hair thinning
So it was okay when they did it?
What’s a quote from a book that stayed with you?
Looking for fast paced science fiction
Trying to get into audiobooks –– can't because nothing's as good as Harlan Ellison's reading of "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream". Recommendations?
Which RH song is this for you?
Question about Letterboxd's... inconsistency??
Question: why do translators do this?
TBK, my second read through
Based on my personality/stats as a soul, what career possibilities do you suggest I explore?
Trade offer: You receive my stats as a human being, I receive suggestions on what careers to research.
Just finished The Road and it was the first book in years that made me cry
Don't know if I want to pursue a career as librarian, please share advice :)
What’s the most disturbing book you’ve ever read?
Here's a list of my fav radiohead songs that i never see anyone talk about. Yours?
jigsaw falling into place or weird fishes?
If House of leaves ever got a movie adaptation, what kind of film would fit the most?
Are blue collar worker and entry level job workers doomed to be forgotten in history?
A-Z Movie Knockout - Best Movie Starting With A Number?
Help😫 w/baby girl name
No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy
Do you read the foreword / introduction? Does it depend on how new the book is?