USA Asked Norway for eggs, got told no.
I miss playing sports
Spotted in Stanstead.
Unsure about my future
Student som sliter med å få endene til å møtes
Looking for casual pc players
Livet er en fest!
TEM - Are people holding out or taking their gains and running?
After 30+ years of gaming I came to conclusion
Anon made a mistake
We hit $84!!
TIL the famous "Tank man" from the tiananmen square protests was never identified.
What’s a skill or talent you think is underrated?
How'd you feel after losing your virginity?
I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since I was 15. Since bringing Mia into my life just one week ago, I’ve felt more happiness and peace than I ever thought possible. With her by my side, I know 26 will be my best year yet.
Bronze at least 🥉
Two brilliants back-to-back, can you see why?
Denne personen har opplevd "en helvettes flytur" etter at kabinpersonalet ba henne og sønnen sin om å sette seg ned.
What happened to Saint Louis Chess Club's lectures?
Can i stab my whiteclaw?
Is there any point in practicing puzzles after 3400 puzzle rating?
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