2022 BS.OB Right Turn Signal Flashes Fast on Dash, But Lights Work Fine - Any Ideas?
Real Rattay Tourney - Team Name Ideas? [KCD1]
[KCD2] AND, I will do it AGAIN!!!
AND, I will do it AGAIN!!
Here’s mine!! 12 and 12:30 😂
The thought of a office without computers is completely foreign to younger Generations.
[KCD2] Erased my saves? Not once
I’m so happy!
Confusing road signs
My livestock suddenly became sick due to overstocking. My herders don't slaughter automatically. I can't slaughter manually. I think it's a bug? I've got enough hey and I didnt change anything before.
Convince me why I’m wrong about hating this potential pick at 6
Movie recomendations [OTHER]
[KCD2] No matter what new piece of armor I buy, I always come back to this.
Ads on drinker's latest video
Why do you all hate this woman?
[KCD2] The Devil's Den is a bus stop IRL
The ultimate World War 2 TV Show/Movie watchlist (in chronological order)
Geno Smith 2024 Season Highlights
Anyone know what this graveyard is? Looks very old! 5600-ish Rozzelles Ferry Rd.
Support role fix suggestion.
Found this version of the USA anthem that I liked very much
This guy caught an ejected shell with a new magazine while reloading. What are the chances?
“But commercial banks can’t create money out of thin air!!!”
When are we getting the ‘Fck off Trump & Vance’ legendary load out ?