Getting upset over this tells me everything I need to know about you…
arizona university
holy mother of pearl 💔
Aggie Baseball
How it feels rooting for the Aggies in any sport
Horse Laugh to be outlawed?!?!?
I'm so done 💀
bad 1c song?
What happened to Kynlary music?
If y’all had to pinpoint the start of what we consider underground rap where would you put it?
Accurate ?
Molliwhopin Xd live in Houston
hi c the goat
The Houston venue is a church... lol.
Who wants to start a secret society?
Is A&M considered an engineering powerhouse like Purdue, UIUC, Virginia tech, etc..
Class 29’ here, how’s freshman year?
Texas A&M about to surpass UT Austin in total alumni?
Glory hole
To prospective students:
I wonder what is being planned that would make us so angry...
Don't let Trump intimidate you- Know your rights as protesters
what if bladee actually is jesus?
Aggies hate Amazon drones
Is it rude to eat during lecture?