They ruined God for me
This style feels very infp
What type of style do you consider this?
How many people here have gotten private messages from "Christians" trying to condemn them or force them to stop being gay
How does faith influence sexual ethic?
Mom sent me this, don’t really know how to respond
Looking ahead to Lent
Having issues with dating other Christians
Reconciling faith and sexual orientation
Do Y’all Think Parents Respond Worse To Their Kids being Gay and Christian compared to being Gay and NOT Christian?
Any resources that can help me re-shape my image of God that religion has taken a toll on?
Old spice containers == meal prep
Unrequited love
What age are people leaving social media?
Who are some of the best affirming pastors/theologians?
Different flavors of non-affirming Christians
When it comes to sex or even other sins, where’s the line?
Dating as a single Christian
Are there any good churches/communities?
What do you guys pray when you feel scared?
Trauma from Christian buzzwords
Has the church been wrong for 2000+ years on the gay issue? YES!
For those in committed relationships
Christian dating
Struggling to find a community