William and Mary Accidently Admitted 410 Applicants
St. John’s A🤭
W&M Has an Accepted Student Code of Conduct
do law schools know that many deposit deadlines are in april?
Waiting on Decisions
First Valentine I’ve received since elementary school. Thanks Nebraska ❤️
Wyoming or Idaho?
Is it unusual to not receive credit for legal research?
WVU Full Ride A
Does Trump's EO halting federal grants potentially threaten those of us who've accepted TT positions to begin this fall?
Northwestern Law Review Early Decision - Is Today the Day?
Minnisota A + Full Tuition Scholarship
Remember the Admit Process in 2 Years When You're Law Review Editors
4.1 at low ranked bay area school - chances of stanford/berkeley transfer?
How do I transfer to I higher ranked school?
Any advice for organizing notes in Evidence?
PSA: Here’s why most schools don’t “rank” their WL
Chemerinsky's Federal Jurisdiction, 8th Edition: worth it?
What's a word that has never been in your vocabulary but is now in your daily vocabulary?
Expired Job Well Done Certificates