What is Natty and what is Juicy?
How long does it look like i have been lifting?
This guy has been on steroids for over 5 years, does he look natural?
Friend claims to be lifetime natty but I am suspicious
Is he natural?
can i achieve this naturally in only 2 years ?
Question about the rules.
Is there even a chance this guy is natty? 5'8.
My issue with this sub
What do y'all think? Natty or not?
This guy from survivor
What do you guys think?
Natty Attainable?
Cute athletic girl mutates into OBSCENE mass monster
I live in Texas everyone here is obese or overweight. Feel like I am from Mars
6’1 - juicy?
This guy I saw on the weight training subreddit, people in the comments keep going on about "genetics", the traps and delts tell me he pins
Nelly - natty or juiced?
Is the testosterone that trans people take considered a steroid? They claim it just gives them the same levels as a “natural male” but this ain’t natty
He also has a transformation YouTube video 7 years ago @liamfitzgerald
Saw this on r/GYM, claims natty 5 days/week
Samuel bosch
This just came out of my IG news feed.
31yo Video Game Nerd
ZeRo - Former Smash Pro player