Metz? Metz
WoWS when new drop 🥀
L**ta vs WG: pros and cons
Using low-tier ships in high-level battles.
The autism of wargaming !!!!!..... (139,798 damage) but defeat in randoms
Why Are You Playing This When You can Choose Happiness
Reporting a player
Please, either globally rework the ranks, or add the ability to grind steel in random battles.
Do You have end goal for your WoW account/ try limit amount of ships?
MalteseKnight_ announces he is no longer WoWS Community Contributor.
I had to step out to pick up my son in the middle of the game, so I asked my wife to play the second half for me
Welp, Coal ships are dead
You know what, WG...
Thanks WG for this battlepass
"Now I've seen everything"
The game can't handle the 4-week patch interval.
Depth Charge Overhaul Idea
Bronze ranked- disaster mode
Let's make the first publicly available battleship with secondary assembly guns of the Soviet nation!
Repulse and Prince of Wales wrecks are completely gone
Worth getting back into WoWS?
Very bad matchmaker.
How to farm coal quick?
So this is possible
Do the developers plan to somehow celebrate the game's 10th anniversary?