Is it worth it.
Best way to get knowledge(or moonseyes)
Drip or Drown
Does soulbreaker grip ardour scream work for mobs
Guys... are we the assholes?
Update on the lung cancer post.
Was I mean? - lung cancer update
About making u/brickthemonkey playing the game. Step 2
Chat i got lung cancer should I ask for silksong for my make a wish ?
Petition for TC to do something nice for u/brickthemonkey
disguise aint workin
1k Hours Player here, what slot would be best for Chime?
some parody lyrics i thought of
No obliteration option after trial of one
Drip or drown?
Fort merit bugged?
Sit with me for awhile. We will be friends, for but a moment.
What do you think of yourself?
Ability File: The Heretic's Sutra
I will buy the game for people in the comments if it comes out, AND I MEAN IT. I know this is a Silkpost guys, I just know it. They are just messing with us.
Fan Art of my character
best m1 build oat
Is the Gun Talents(Outlaw Talents) Worth it on Iron Requiem
Talent idea(comic sans because fuck you)