[MEGATHREAD] Ask for playtest invites here
Finally finished my Protazoa P.02 after many years of intimidation.
Psychology vs Neuroscience Major
Video where someone says "when im in game.. im at home"
MQ Interview Prep Group in Sydney
funny meme
Footage of guy arrested for stabbing at Easter show tonight
Jerma gets thrown through a window and dies after house fire
For those still waiting for USyd confirmation, rejections seem to be out on Sydney Student for some people now.
Jerma KILLS someone by fixing his hair
Jerma BEAUTIFULLY sings "Dame Da Ne"
Can't enrol in PSYC3361??
Jerma shows a "dogbone" on stream
Interviews for USYD med entry in 2022?
Jerma does a perfect R2D2 impression
First semi-custom :). Never going back
The Anti-masker Starter Pack
Kicking a can
Can't wait to use my Christmas money to play this gem. Thanks for the recommendation Gaben!
Super Humman is a goldmine
me irl
Hey reddit. This guy makes really entertaining 'crappy' science videos. His house just burnt down. Please send some love his way
The Color Blindness video Has reached 1 million likes!