With The Cybertron of wfc/foc games being The Best despiction, The charts of Transformers Best versiones is complete
Stanley VS Author, and with that this chart is complete
Creators VS Author, and this chart is complete
With The warners VS Author ,the chart is complete!
How foolish, to battle in the name of peace. How absurd. You were programmed for war, Optimus. Without it, you would be just another Autobot, now for The last, which is The Best despiction of Cybertron
Spider-days by the Parkerz. Art by @tenshiartsgt
Absolute Batman is gonne be Even more peak in The next issue
Now for The last, which videogame is about Man VS Author
For The last, which anime is about Man VS Author
Now for The last, which cartoon is about Man VS Author
Megatron was weak like you! He died only to be reborn, like me, of Unicron, and speaking of The devil, who's The Best version of Unicron
[Loved trope] Villains who gave the protagonist a lot of trouble in their first encounter, but when they fight again the protagonist has become stronger and they kick his ass.
Reaction fics where all The world react
Soundwave from Transformers Prime
So...what if I said I created other organic Neo Metal Sonic?... It was an accident of a silly idea that gave rise to these two extras (Context at another time)
Woman VS Technology, now, which videogame is about Man VS Reality
Now, which anime is about Man VS Reality
Kids VS Technology, next, which cartoon is about Man VS Reality
Clever man, that Doctor Morocco! Now, wich is The Best version of Nemesis Prime
What's the lore reason for this
Androids VS no God, next, which videogame is about Man VS Technology
Good wannabe VS no God, next, which anime is about Man VS Technology
Orel VS no God, now, which cartoon is about Man VS Technology
How accurate is this?