Miku is saying Trans rights!!!
I am still shaken when I hear "I am proud of you"
The day... Things have shifted
"No" :3
dommy in the sheets x girlfailure in the streets
I am gonna be a good housewife, I swear...!
Transbians after 5min of knowing each other
A very common flow of events
Puppy posting
"Its art mooooommm :c"
Combination made in heaven
my transition goals
Time and care will fix anything
Question about possible clinic to fix my bottom surgery
Clinics for bottom surgery question
Same meme... But Sunday
*no comment*
Wifematerial targeted
2010' core
Don't question me, I have no answers
Get to know your Mods pt. 2 - Their nature
Mod grade Chimken
Take my hand.... The Blåhaj is waiting
*blushy wushy*